Sunday, February 28, 2010


I find that conversations are hard to be had anymore without the other person always correcting you. I use the word, always because it seems that any point, no matter how trivial or obtuse something I'm saying is, it's being challenged. Is being right so important: is it ego, lack of security, manipulation or just bad manners? A recent example: I say, "I can't believe it's 28 degrees out now" and they say back, "Well, actually, it's 28 and a half degrees and it feels more like 29".

I actually think that I attract these "right all the time" people. Maybe it's my more passive nature that makes others feel in control. So, if you are passive aggressive, it's going to widdle away at you for days until you have the perfect comeback and then, whammo, they've got you again! could be that the person inflicting rightness onto you is not happy: not happy that you could be right or because you are indeed happy? Misery loves company? Hmmm....

I have wondered though that with all this technology at our fingertips, are we becoming info junkies? In that case, my first step is admitting to you that I have a problem with my web surfing addiction and being up to date on Yahoo and Googling the heck out of every topic. You can find an obscene amount of information on the Internet, unfortunately everything you read is not true and maybe that's a good thing. However, there are those who think everything they read is gospel and need to share it with the world like they are born-again webheads.

So, in my journey into discovering the psyche of RATT's (Right All The Timers), I'm leaning toward the belief that there seems to be less social graces. O.k., I've said it, like you didn't think that was a gimme? I see it all the time, especially with children: kids mouthing off to other adults and all the while their parent is right next to them not correcting their impolite manner! Also, I don't doubt that you can throw in a bit of insecurity in there somewhere for good measure. With a pinch of manipulation to top it off but not too much because the RATT may not consciously know they are doing it- how convenient.

1 comment:

  1. i get the RATT comments all the time, too. i like to give generalizations... i think it takes a lot of energy and gall to be a RATT. no thanks! good topic...
