Wednesday, March 3, 2010


In light of my recent birthday, I feel compelled to share some of my thoughts on the subject of being 30ish. O.k., almost fortyish. My explorations of, you know you're getting older when...

☺ My body can forecast the weather. My back says it's gonna be a grey, dank, cold one today. My sinuses say that rain will accompany it.

☺ I have reminder notes written everywhere but I'll be darned if I can remember where I put them. Note to self: look for that note for that thing.

☺ I went downstairs for something.... Uhhh.

☺ A serious workout is going to the grocery store. And push that cart and bend and stretch for that bread and breathe....

☺ I have no concept of time-isn't it all relative anyway? Sure do have a lot of relatives.

☺ Regularly asking the hubs if he's sure he still wants to live up North. Really?

☺ Constantly getting mail from AARP and Medicare. No kiddin'!

☺ No, seriously, I did walk a mile to elementary school everyday and yes, in the snow!

☺ I've got a pill in my purse for anything that ails me. It's Pepto time!

☺ When twenty years later, you finally get the sexual reference you heard in high school. Ohhh.....definitely can't do that even with all the stretching in the world.

☺ It takes a stick of dynamite, a blowtorch and some gallons of foundation (mixed with spackle) to even look good. Yes, our beauty secret is out.

☺I'm too old to call it baby fat (from my babies) anymore. And I'm not referring to the designer.

☺ I absolutely look forward to nothing to do. Pencil me in.

☺ Getting asked if I'm my daughter's grandma. Ouch. And worse even, if my eldest is her mother. Double ouch.

☺ Will duel anyone who wants to take a picture of me unless of course they are going to Photoshop it. Yeah, that's how I roll.

☺ Any person over the age of 30 saying, "that's how I roll" to keep it hip. Oh yeah, I went there.

☺ When one beer will give me a serious hangover just from opening it. Hiccup.

☺ Buying shoes for comfort. Isn't that an oxymoron?

☺ When my youngest asks me what a cassette player is. Would've felt better if she asked me what a record player was.

☺ Think I'm having flashbacks when I see 80's fashions in the store. One word: Why?

☺ When a couple of hours doing yard work takes a week to recoup. I really think weeds are pretty.

☺ My eye bags have bags and those have luggage! Why can't that baggage get lost at the airport?!

☺ I'm dressed like an Eskimo on a 50 degree day and everyone else is wearing shorts. Wimp.

☺Hoping that next year, the birthday Grinch will steal it. Leave the roast beast.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, yup, uh huh, me too. But add five years to it. I've been asking Bob to consider North Carolina or possibly Georgia in case he needs to change jobs. North Carolina still has four seasons.. but the winter is a lot more mild!

    I like your aged-up barbie doll! :)
