Thursday, February 11, 2010


I had an epiphany today, an insight to what my life was lacking. O.k., realistically I have a lot of "epiphanies", sometimes when I'm in the creative mood....which means quite a lot. Unfortunately, I don't act on them too often is all... until today. I finally got in touch with (not myself, oh behave!) some friends from high school. Who knew, right?

We, our class had our 20th reunion--get out of Dodge, really? I of course didn't go. I had my reasons but I digress. All you need to know is that I selectively had a reunion of my own. So hah on you -class of clicky wannabees! I met up with some lovely ladies from my formative years, you know the transitional stage of all kinds of growth and bologna we go through from childhood to adulthood?

We rounded ourselves up some lunch and summed up 20 years in about two hours, phew! I guess I touched upon my milestones and theirs but wasn't completely satiated. I still need more. Who knew that I actually crave this thing called friendship. I've really been out of touch with people that I click with, really connect. It hasn't happened very often because I am what they call choosy. I have standards. Not snobby ones but I have them. It's called honesty.

I've had my random acts of senseless friendships smattered here, there and everywhere. Not at all satisfying so I cut that habit like a gangrenous limb. Gave up friends, period. Until my best friend of all time came into my life- my husband. Corny it sounds, dear enlightened one- but true. I'm still not talking about him though, I'm referring to those girls, and one in particular who reminded me why we found each other in the first place in elementary school. We were awkward together and liked that about us.

Why we grew apart is still a mystery but one worth solving. Things happen in life that make us contort into beings we can't even identify with anymore. How can you feel lonely with all these people in your life? A woman with a solitary disposition sounds like some kind of anti-depressant ad with all those terrible side effects. My life is complete, well semi-complete with my sweet little family but I'm one step closer to filling that gap with a true friend.


  1. Friends are definitely better than a bunch of cats! I agree with your Valentine post too - I remember the single days and not having a "Valentine. Thanks Hallmark. Keep writing!!

  2. AW! i'm glad we've re-connected, too. your week seems like it needs some peace... care to go mall walking with me later on? nothing like venting and window shopping to make like a little better! or is it bitter shopping? LOL (hugs)
