Friday, February 12, 2010

Lying: The new arts and craft?

Don't be misled by the title of "arts and craft"- this is not a segment on a craft tutorial. It's my new found view on the art of lying. Lying is an intent to deceive, a mask of deception, a deliberate attempt at deviating from the truth. We've all been lied to and yet told some kind of mild contortion of the obvious truth ourselves. I however, am in no shape or form, a liar. I'm talking about those who lack the fundamental ability to be honest with themselves. The Liar.

A liar to me is a professional. Their career or pastime is to do exactly that, lie. Where do you get references for that job? Oh! That's easy, just make them up as you go along! Here's my point. Lying is so mainstream these days and seemingly so easy to craft that we should start seeing classes in your local hobby stores soon: how to construct a scrapbook with libel; creating a mask with jack-ass hair; frosting cakes with vulnerability; making lies that stick stickers; soaps made from the weak and sensitive; widdling the unwielding; making a bouquet of persuasion; constructing a quilt with BS scraps; crocheting a web of deceit; sculpting with slander, etc.

Maybe some of us are more vulnerable to these 'professionals' and they sense our ability to trust and have an almost bloodthirsty urge to use you as their host. Liars can't help themselves; egomaniacs with a mission to thwart you with malarkey. I am a victim of this crime, I call it a crime because it has done me a great injustice. It has robbed me of my time, my sanity and the ability to trust. I've had my share of at least several handfuls of seasoned fraud offenders who have caused me to actually doubt myself. Doubting that my interpretation of the truth is maybe askew or ill informed. Doubting my gut instincts as being, do I dare say.... overly sensitive.

Anytime someone tells me that I'm being too sensitive is when I start to sniff the essence of fecal matter. The criminal is using you, they are trying to rob you of your intellect, brainwashing even (say in a Snagglepuss voice). What's worse is the offender sometimes actually starts to believe the verbal sewage spewing from their own throat. Do they learn this from example, is it inherited like a disease? Common place lying isn't just for politicians anymore, it's anyone who seems to have the need to have the upper hand, the control freak, the drama queen or king who needs constant attention, the self acclaimed victim in society who plays the "woe is me" routine. I don't care what class you were born into, no one is more important on this earth than anyone else, we are equals- guests on this planet.

Let's put an end to this and make a DIY project to 'craft' lesser known virtues- truth, decency and common sense. Listen for it, it can be subliminal too or anytime anyone says anything before the word...BUT. If you are a parent, it's your duty to be a better example because kids are mimicking you, demonstrating your values or lack of them. Be proud if you are one of the growing minorities in truth telling. Just don't forget to remind your children that you are proud of them all of the time, especially because they are honest. Truth is worth remembering....and a lot easier to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Amen,sister! Truthful people are way too rare these days! I completely agree with your point about being sure to ALWAYS set a good example for your kiddos. ..they are ALWAYS watching, ALWAYS listening and we are their first and most important teachers. It's up to us to give the world a fighting chance of being populated by people with good values and character!
