Friday, October 19, 2012

In the Christmas swing of things

So, in my house, in October, it's absolutely, totally normal to have Christmas Craftapalooza strewn all around my craft room.  Maybe, even a little bit of Christmas cheer heard on the Internet radio ( I need all the spirit I can get). Sweet sound of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker helps me get into the swing of things.  I know what you're thinking, it's only October, not even Halloween, there's no need to get ahead of ourselves.

 You may recall, I'm a crafter/artist so there is definitely a need to get ahead...for Christmas craft shows!  I'm going to try a bit harder this year to link up my current projects to the blog, which is something I've had a horrible time doing.  However, if everyone else can do it, so can I!

"Holidays are a hoot!"

So, what's on tap for now, is a whole lot of wood cutting, sanding, priming and getting creative.  I like, rather I should say, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do custom work for the holidays.   That way, you are getting what you want and there's less waste of materials.  Otherwise, I'll just make a ton of unloved ornaments just begging for a home.  You wouldn't want that would you? I know I couldn't have that on my conscience.  Now for you who I know are going to ask, "do you have a website?"... A sad "no" is my response.  I will soon, don't you fret but unfortunately, they just don't appear out of the blue.  I'm just so picky on how I want mine to there, the truth is out.

If you e-mail me (click on my profile e-mail) with the words, "Custom Christmas" in your subject line, I will get back to you ASAP and  be more than happy to work with you to create a unique and custom piece just for you or your loved one.  Many people forget their co-workers, the kids' babysitters, teachers/principals, clergy, besties, godparents, special relatives- whomever they are, they are lacking in dare I say, something special to adorn their tree, refrigerator or wall.  We just can't let that happen.  So, with my last plea for doing right in this world, contact me so we can save ourselves from mass produced junk from China and support a local small business...."The Arts Desire"  BTW, that's me!

"Because Goddaughters are angels."


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