Thursday, March 1, 2012

A New Direction...

A new direction is in the works with my blog...more about my current artistic creations or ones that I have seen that I admire and attempt to create on a modest budget.  I love going to craft shows, well, not all of them because I just don't want to see anymore knitted items that my Grandma could have made. I love this one local venue that a young lady introduced me to and very much admire the more hip, urban-like Indie feel to it. No more crocheted kitchen towels for this lady.  Now, now,  I'm not insulting the crocheting community, I love crocheted items, just not the ones that are dated a few generations.

I have found that local businesses who used to carry my work just can't seem to sell handmade anymore. The business often goes bottom up in no time because they either didn't have enough dedication or write a business plan or the poor economy but whatever the reason, I don't think that would happen to me. I just like to interact with people so much on a creative level that I couldn't even imagine not putting a 110% into it.  Blogging is another way to communicate my intentions, come see what I've done, let me know how I'm doing and help me with my addiction to create.

 I'm a sarcastic person by nature...of which the title of my blog evolved "Really, you made that?"  I think about what that must mean when someone asks me that. I must get it at least 2-3 times per craft event I venue. Do I look like I can't do it or is it some kind of backhanded compliment? I think it's become a private joke between my husband and I especially the day of the event and we're taking bets on how many times I'll hear it that day.

O.k., new direction I said. One with less commentary on every day stresses and more on creative therapy. Things that make me happy or insane with creativity or bust.  Mainly, I will be posting on crafting or something nifty like my latest birthday cake experiment  but I do look forward to suggestions and other fun ideas. If you like my blog, please become a follower so that I know I'm doing something right.

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