Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Now what in the H_ E double hockey sticks?

Now, I don't want you thinking why I started this blog is to complain or go on a premenstrual rant, but what gives? My kid, 19 years of age, received her first ticket the other day. Not for speeding like you would think but rather a violation...oooohhhhh of the lamest proportions.

She sees the lights in the police car's dash and thinks nothing of it- until she realizes that it's her being pulled over and he's not in hot pursuit of some other college cutie. He pulls her over with the age old question, "do you know why I pulled you over?" Uhhhh, noooooo, she replies. Are you a college student? Why do you want her number? Couldn't see the parking sticker I guess as she is pulling in the campus entrance. Well, he proceeds to tell her about her violation of absolute absurdity. Her side windows are too shaded....really?

He measures the window and goes on about the rating and what is acceptable, blah, blah, blah. She tells him that she bought the car like this and didn't know of any wrongdoing. Mind you, it was an extremely overcast day (of which I am doing firm research on if this matters or not). He tells her that she's over the index by 5, 30 being the standard. Classic child o'mine, "O.Kkkkkkk......" Now it does not take a brainiac to figure that this is news to her, like duh!

I get that he's doing his "job" but really? Never except for another recent revealing, have I discovered such a lame reason for a ticket. An actual, crappy, receipt-like, transparent, ink dissolving piece of papyrus-like substance. It even gives her a court date- like she's not going to try to fight it? Obviously this is her first ticket as she scrambled for her license and totally dumbfounded which stub was her registration. Innocent or not, there will be court fees, oh yes there will. I don't think this is the first time the policeman flirted around the college gates as he follows my daughter back around the parking lot and waves hello to the other parking lot passers-by.

I should have reminded her not to look like a gangster-wannabe and take out that gold grill she was sportin' in her oral cavity. My little criminal. Now a friend has recently reported that this happened to him while he was at a random seat belt check. Mind you, a $75 fine, hello?

Coincidence, that they are really digging for something to charge you with when their reports are low or was she really a criminal mastermind behind that dark interior? I really hope the coppers wake up soon and realize that they should really be driving with me in my car everyday and see the real reasons to pull some one over. Not me silly, the other nuts out there!


  1. She should definitely go to the court date for this one... sounds like a bunch of BS - bored cop looking for something to do. Get as much backup information as you can before going in. Also, if she can get the glass treatment removed between now and then and bring proof of that, do it.
    Unfortunately, you're probably right, they won't throw it out all together, but maybe lower the fee at least.

  2. I hear your point loud and clear, Kathleen! Why aren't the cops focusing on the real problems out there, the true crimes being committed, instead of hassling someone over something so bogus?

    Kevin had the exact same thing happen to him. ..he ended up having the charge dropped, but had to pay the court fee. . .Just a lame way to drive up revenue for the town, I guess! Seems like there should be a law against THAT!

  3. I'm happy to report that my child got the charge dismissed but it was only because the court was overbooked and it became a time constraint thing.
