Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Where Oh Where Is Spring?

For me, cold and blustery days create doldrums of procrastination. I just want to hibernate and snuggle until my heart's content. I've come to the conclusion that I am part hermit and quite enjoy the calm. There's no reason to move except that the house does not clean itself, nor does the food cook itself or the child get off to school herself. Sucking it up is what this kind of day calls for- now there's a word, suckitupivation ...loosely translated as motivation for those who need to get on with it already!

Is there anyone else out there like me? Everyone else I know seems to be plugging away at home projects, hosting parties, setting up play dates despite the weather. I am not lazy because what that entails is a sloth-like, lackadaisical, demeanor that I don't think I deserve. I feel that procrastination stems from despair or apathy from climate change. I felt a rush of energy for a second when I heard the first call of spring birds. I even started my walking program a week ago in answer to our pseudo-spring temps. I was thinking about deep cleaning and organizing like I was an expectant mother in her nesting period. But, alas, spring got snatched away and left me pleading for its return.

I've mapped out a plan to combat my sluggishness and fight back with a vengeance...accept who I am and move down South!!! No, really, massive amounts of caffeine, vitamin D and exercise should do the trick (all at once). Kidding, everything in moderation because suffering from Arrhythmia is not a needed catalyst. I think that we should hold procrastination parties in the cold months to keep the juices flowing. The only problem is that they will be cancelled and rescheduled at a later date...TBD.

If you know of anyone who suffers from lack of suckiupivation, give them a meaningful task to perform that can only be done by that individual. Fib a bit if you have to and declare that it's their talents you need and not anyone else to complete the mission. If someone told me that they needed me to bake them several dozens of cookies because I'm such a great baker, I would do it in a heartbeat because I'm feeling appreciated. Appreciation = Motivation. Oh, and sunshine!

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